
Adjusting to Distanced Document Management

Online PDF editors helped a lot of digital workers when they went remote since they needed a useful PDF text editor to handle all their editing work. But many things changed about the way we work during the pandemic, which is why online PDF editors are still around.

Many people have chosen to stay remote, forcing workplaces to go fully digital and requiring new protocols on how to handle document management in a remote workplace. New tools and software have emerged to fill this need and this article will take a look at the way companies are adjusting to this new reality, and what tools they have used to make the transition easier.

Why Is Document Management Important?

The benefits of document management are well known and they include:

  • Creating a centralized database for all your vital documents
  • Making all company-generated files easily accessible
  • Creating an easily traceable record of every document
  • Saving time and money by eliminating paper-related costs (storage space, printing, publishing accessories)

Companies who use document management software or document automation eliminate the need for storage space, create a streamlined process for all company departments to create documents, and make it easier for employees to share and organize their information. Document management also applies to storing and saving a document, which makes it easier to find or retrieve later.

Making document creation and management automatic means documents can pass hands with ease, with no compliance or compatibility issues between different departments or organizations. Rather than relying on paper documents that can be formatted incorrectly, riddled with errors, and out-of-date information, a digital document created by a document management system is ready-to-go from the outset and is guaranteed to be error-free and properly formatted.


What Does Distanced Document Management Mean?

Distanced document management means remote employees can create, store, view, edit and share documents through digital means, without sending physical paper copies of documents. Many document management systems already allow you to practice distanced document management since they exist solely on digital platforms and are only accessible online.

Document automation software lets you create as many documents as you want, without having to worry about whether they were created correctly but helps you make changes easily to any document that needs editing. PDF editors are a feature of many document management programs since PDF is the preferred document format for all businesses.

The PDF keeps vital information safe and secure, but also lets you convert the file to other formats if you need to make changes. A document management system is another way to edit a secured PDF, especially if you are dealing with sensitive company documents and files. The system will only give access to the file to authorized users and prevent anyone without authorization from viewing the file.


Annotate PDF, Edit PDF, and Combine PDF

One major advantage of distanced document management is that employees can still perform all the important editing functions they need to without interruption. They do not need to learn or train on new software and they can continue their work no matter where they are. The simplest PDF editing functions like edit PDF, highlight PDF, and redact PDF are all available with an online PDF editor, like the Lumin PDF editor.

Lumin PDF is an online PDF editor that you can also download to your laptop, smartphone, or any device to work offline. Lumin has an easy-to-use interface that lets you view and open important PDFS, but you can also collaborate with colleagues with Lumin since you can annotate PDFs, and compress PDFs to make sharing them easier.

About Nina Smith