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Benefits from A Hair Transplant for Men

For many years, hair transplants have been a topic men have been reluctant to talk about, even though no one likes to lose hair and become bald. However, nowadays, people who have problems with hair loss are increasingly seeking the help of experts to regain their mane. A hair transplant has become a common surgical procedure that can bring your hair back. Wondering how men’s consciousness has changed and how many of them undergo surgery? There are simply a few reasons, and the main is certainly medical and technological ones. First of all, the advancement of technology has led to the availability of this surgery and, consequently, increased acceptance by men around the world who have hair problems. Also, there are new methods of transplantation that have made the whole procedure much shorter.

All in all, hair transplants have ceased to be taboo in society, so we can now consider the benefits of this surgery, the cost, the best clinics you can perform this procedure on, and similar features. We have decided to dedicate the following text to hair transplantation and to present everything you need to know about the procedure. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started.

What Is Hair Transplantation and What Are the Causes of This Problem?

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According to research, the average person loses from 50 to 100 hairs in one day. This isn’t a problem since there are more than 100,000 hairs on the hair. However, the problem arises when a large amount of hair is lost and the person begins to become bald. Hair is definitely part of our personality and the part of our body that characterizes us most.

The main causes of this problem may be different, but some of the most common are thyroid-related diseases, scalp infections, and alopecia areata, which is a disease that attacks the follicle. In addition to these diseases, some of the causes are severe emotional or physical shocks, use of medicines to treat other illnesses (high blood pressure, heart problems, cancer, depression) as well as unbalanced nutrition which causes a lack of vitamins, proteins, and generally all the compounds that are necessary for the body.

So, as you can see, there are many causes, but the problem is one. Fortunately, this problem can be solved thanks to hair transplants. The whole procedure is based on taking samples from parts that have not yet completely lost hair or from donors, after which a surgeon transplants it on the parts of the head without hair. The whole procedure is very successful thanks to the advancement of new technologies and medicine, and it usually takes several months to see the first results of a successful transplant.

What Are Hair Transplant Techniques and How Long Does the Recovery Period Last?

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As mentioned earlier, the advancement of technology has led to more efficient hair transplants and the emergence of new techniques that allow for a high percentage of surgery success. Currently, the major techniques used in this field are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) as well as follicular unit excision (FUE). In essence, the main advantage of these techniques is the very fast recovery period and the visibility of the first results.

The FUT technique consists of taking one part of the scalp from the back of your head. Then the surgeon needs to close the place with stitches. The next step is to cut the scalp into smaller parts using a scalpel. Usually, this is a number of about 2000 smaller pieces called grafts, after which small holes are made on the scalp using a blade. In these holes, the surgeon puts the hair from the grafts in a process called grafting and eventually bandages these places on your scalp.

As for FUE, this technique consists of shaving one part of the head where there is hair, after which individual skin follicles are taken. The next step is to create holes in the scalp where previously isolated follicles should be placed. The final step is to bandage head just like with the FUT method.

When it comes to recovery and the first results of the procedure, it can take up to 10 months. First of all, at the end of the surgery, the surgeon must remove the bandage from your head and prescribe medication for possible pain and inflammation. In addition, the surgeon should give you instructions on how you should behave in the first days and weeks after surgery. Usually, you shouldn’t work for about 3 days, use aggressive shampoo, use a hairbrush in areas covered by surgery, and of course, don’t wear any type of hat. If you follow all the instructions, the results will be perfect.

How to Find the Right Surgeon?

Now that you know how transplant actually works, you can start finding the right clinic and surgeon to help you. According to many satisfied patients and experts around the world, the country that offers the best transplant surgeons in Turkey. Many celebrities have performed this operation in Turkey, and some of them are football players Ricardo Quaresma and Wayne Rooney. One of the best clinics in this field that has 15 years of experience and a large number of operations performed is VeraClinic.

Benefits of Hair Transplant

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In conclusion, there are several benefits to hair transplants. First of all, it is obvious that you’ll improve your appearance and confidence. Hair loss can lead to many other problems such as lack of confidence. So, the transplant can help you beat that.

In addition, this type of treatment is permanent. We know that there are various products that help prevent hair loss, but none of them solves the problem permanently.

Also, the transplant doesn’t require any special treatments after the procedure. It feels like you’ve never had a problem with your hair.

The last major benefit of this method of hair restoration is lower costs. This is especially true for clinics in Turkey where the cost reaches up to $5,000. In other countries, this operation requires a much higher amount of money.

So, the final conclusion is that a hair transplant has many benefits and can bring you many positive things. There is simply no reason not to solve your hair loss problem permanently.

About Suzan Vega