
4 Best Ways to Boost Your Student Productivity

The college years are likely some of life’s most challenging, exciting, and essential chapters. You’ll have to balance studies, family, a social life, and maybe even a part-time job. Despite your commitment and talent, you might not be able to accomplish everything on your itinerary.

Inefficient time management, fatigue, stress, burnout, and distractions are all common reasons for a lack of peak productivity. But you’re not alone if you’re trying to find and apply time management skills to enhance your college success.

Reliable Plant reports that 87% of students would benefit from better time management and organization skills. So, here are the best ways to boost your student productivity to accomplish more, meet deadlines with less stress, gain confidence, reduce stress, and have fun during the process.

1. Track Your Time


It isn’t easy to plan your time when you don’t know how to spend it. Time management begins with tracking your hours. It is especially crucial when learning online. Nowadays, more people are taking online courses. Due to improved access, it’ll flourish in the future. But often, online learning allows for greater flexibility, making it difficult to establish a routine and stick to it.

It would be best to set an amount of time for each activity, which allows for edits and research. Schedule time blocks for each assignment and note when you begin and finish. Keeping track of your time can be easier with an app or a wall clock. Whenever your mind wanders, take a break, or clock off and write down the time.

You will eventually be able to accurately predict how long things will take and schedule your week accordingly. With this method, you will minimize time waste and become more confident about your study habits. So, start tracking your time to boost your efficiency in your future career. It is an integral part of many professional roles.

2. Maintain a Regular Rest Schedule

Your productivity will increase if you take a break. A student who crams for hours at a time will not perform at their peak. There is a limit to how much information your brain can process before you tire and forget it.

Pushing your mind to the limit may lead to stress and fatigue. You can maximize your productivity by taking regular breaks to combat this development. As an established professional, you are likely used to working long hours with only one lunch break.

Find a schedule that works for you, whether five minutes every hour or 40 minutes a few times daily. Regardless of your preferred study timeline, it would be best if you stuck to it. Your mind will rest, and your productivity will increase during these times.

3. Organizing Your Tasks


Taking small, manageable chunks of work to increase productivity through the organization of tasks is critical. You’ll be more productive when you take your time than if you rush through everything. Using a timer can help you organize your tasks. Once you have completed that task, you can move on to the next. It’s easier to stay organized when you focus on one job at a time.

A mind map is another way to organize your tasks. You could diagram your task list and label each item accordingly. Doing this lets you keep track of everything you need to do and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Ensure you dedicate time to your tasks daily, regardless of how you break them down. Breaking your workload into manageable chunks will help you be more productive and reach your goals faster.

4. Use apps to Stay Productive

You can also boost your student productivity with apps. It provides applications for managing time, taking notes, studying, organizing, accessing educational materials, storing files, and communicating. Using them allows students to manage their time, stay organized, and access information more effectively.

There are plenty of apps you can use to increase your productivity. Listed below are a few starters:

  • Evernote — With this app, you can keep track of articles, ideas, and more. You can use it for note-taking, outlining, and information gathering.
  • To-Do List — This app allows you to manage and organize your to-do list visually easily.
  • Google Drive allows you to store files easily, such as documents and pictures. You can also use it to collaborate with others.


Whatever stage of life you’re in, you can always learn new things and improve your productivity. You can boost your student productivity by following these simple tips. With these strategies, you can make the most of your school time by setting goals, developing a plan, and breaking up the work into manageable tasks.

About Nina Smith