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Cavity Wall Insulation Claims – Everything To Know About

Getting cavity insulation is one of the most effective ways to reduce your energy spending and costs. However, as with anything in life, there have been issues regarding this insulation in the form of improper installation or bad quality. The result of such poor work results in damp, which is a problem that no one wants to deal with.

In the past few years, there have been thousands of homeowners that have reported problems with cavity walls that have resulted in damp and damage to their homes. These damages can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage.

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What Are the Most Common Problems With Cavity Wall Insulation?

The reasons as to why an improperly installed cavity wall needs removing rank in the dozens, but here are the most common ones:

  • Due to longevity and time-related degradation, the cavity wall insulation no longer provides insulating properties
  • Due to improper installation, the cavity wall insulation doesn’t provide insulating properties
  • Due to the cavity wall being installed in an inappropriate property, the effects of the insulation don’t work
  • Due to being subjected to flooding, the cavity wall insulation no longer provides insulating properties

These problems can leave behind a dreadful mess, hence why there have been more and more calls for the government to take responsibility for such problems.

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Who is Affected by This?

A lot of surveys have been done on this subject and the figures are quite frightening, to say the least. Almost 250,000 UK homes have been found with a damp, slump, or missing insulation. According to, almost 3 million homes have been affected by such a problem.

How Do I Make a Claim?

There are two ways to make a cavity wall claim. But first, you need to know if your home has faulty insulation.

Below we will post some general indicators that point out to your home having faulty cavity wall insulation:

  • No noticeable increase in heat or temperature due to poor quality of insulation
  • Visible drill holes in your walls
  • Damp, mold, or condensation due to poor materials being used
  • Damaged brickwork
  • Blocker air vents

There are also other solutions for this type of problem, other types of insulation. For example one that is ECO friendly. Learn how to meet the requirements for an external wall insulation grant under the ECO scheme by referring to Warma UK’s comprehensive guide.

So with all that said, here is how you can make a claim

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We mentioned that there are two ways you can make a claim. The first one is to do it yourself, and the second one is to hire a professional to do it.

If you’re going with the former, do understand that you’re going to have a difficult time completing the claim since you will have to prove the claim and keep up with the claim.

If you’re going with the latter, then understand that most of these companies have a “no win no fee” policy, which essentially means that you don’t have to pay anything if they don’t win your claim. If they do win your claim, then a percentage of the compensation is being paid off to the company as a fee for their services. We recommend you choose the latter option as it is more recommended for people that have no understanding of the issue or about the process of claim management.

About Stefania Trtica