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Helpful Tips to Choosing an FFS Surgeon

Facial feminization surgery (FSS) is a medical procedure performed on transgender individuals who wish to modify their facial features for a more feminine look. It’s a delicate procedure that should be administered by a Facialteam comprising of suitably qualified surgeons. And this ensures that it’s done safely under the highest operational safety standards. For this reason, the role of a skilled surgeon is very crucial in FSS surgery. 

What is FSS?

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Facial Feminization surgery (FSS) is an operation that alters your facial features. It’s intended to lessen masculine features into a more feminine shape. FSS comprises soft tissue procedures like brow lift, lip augmentation, and cheek implantation. It’s tailored to meet the needs of different people and encompasses every aspect of the face and neck.

The surgery mainly focuses on the bone structure and shape of the nose. Things like facelifts, neck lifts, and soft tissue work usually are incorporated if required. Some of the individuals who pursue FSS are transgender and cisgender women.

How long does it take to recover from FSS?

Recovery from FSS can be uncomfortable, especially during the first few days after surgery. However, you’ll start feeling better after one week of operation. Recovery also varies from patient to another, and you remain in the hospital the night after surgery. At this time, your face swells and bruises considerably, and it’s more serious 2-3 days after surgery. To reduce inflammation, try icing the surgical area as much as possible. After the procedure, you’ll have bandages wrapped around your face to lessen the swelling, and you stay like this for one week.

How can you choose the best FSS surgeon?

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Facial feminization surgery serves most transgender women and is a life-changing experience. When you undergo a successful operation, it will help you to smoothen your transition and also boost your self-esteem. The surgery is very delicate and costly, and you have to pick the best surgeon. Below are tips to guide you.

Research well

Search online for information about the FSS procedure, and this will furnish you with information on the process. You’ll also get testimonials from other patients. Most reviews are on YouTube; the best ones are generally on video, so be sure to spend some time there. Offline research will also work. 

Try looking for transgender women in transgender communities, and there you’ll find some who have undergone the procedure. Most transgender women are very private and might not want to share information. But others won’t have a problem speaking about their experiences and might give you the relevant information in regards to FSS surgeons.

Make personal plans

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Examine your facial characteristics not only in the mirror but also in photos. Consider taking some beautiful pictures and do this without makeup. Consider the masculine features on your face that you don’t like. Moreover, try to imagine how you’d want to look after the procedure. Think about the aspects that you’d like to modify on your face and discuss this with your surgeon. The best surgeon will always be ready to listen to your ideas and wishes.

The first impression matters

How the surgeon makes you feel about the procedure on your first meeting matters a lot. He or she should show genuine interest and should be willing to respond to all your queries. A surgeon with a character that doesn’t match yours may still make an excellent surgeon, but it would be wise to go for one who makes you feel secure.

Skills and ability

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The best surgeon should be able to determine the best features that can work on your face. They should have adequate skills with a proper understanding of femininity. However, he or she should not only be skilled in medical issues but should determine what works and what doesn’t. An FSS surgery is not only a skill but an art as well, and the best health provider should work with you to find the best solution to your issue.


A professional surgeon should be open about the complications associated with the procedure. They should also give adequate information about the recovery process and how long it will take. They should be willing to discuss what you expect during the recovery process and should be realistic about the time required to heal. For instance, if one suggests that healing takes one week and another says that it might take one month, pick one that sounds more realistic.

Check the surgeon’s website

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Most reputable surgeons have websites and usually post images of clients who have undergone the procedure in the past. If he or she displays pictures of patients wearing makeup, take this as a warning sign. Before and after photos should contain little or no makeup and should be taken in natural light and from one angle. Try to see at least three aspects, and these are the frontal, left and right profile.

Experience/ Medical facility

The surgeon should have the expertise to undertake the procedure. Go for one who has been in the field for long and has performed several procedures on transgender women. Consider those who have a significant number of FSS patients. 

The venue of the surgery procedure also matters. Find out whether the process takes place in a regular hospital or a specialized private clinic. The hospital should be prepared for emergencies, and have qualified personnel with all the necessary equipment required for the procedure. Small clinics are better and take care of patients on a personal level.

What of aftercare?

Find out whether the surgeon will offer follow-up services after recovery and if he provides a revision surgery in case you’re not happy with the results. Find out about the conditions of the follow-up procedure, whether you have to pay for it or not. The right surgeon should elaborate everything clearly before you book for the surgery and should not have any hidden charges.

Final thoughts

Every FSS patient wishes to have a successful surgery that accentuates their best feminine features. And this makes it crucial to have an expert surgeon perform the procedure. Consider the experience, cost, skills, aftercare services provided, place of the surgery, and this will aid in choosing someone who is the most suitable for your FSS procedure.

About Suzan Vega