
Breaking Down Scalp Inflammation ─ Common Causes and Symptoms

If you’re suffering from scalp inflammation, you’re not alone. This common condition can happen due to various factors, including allergies, fungal infections, and even certain hairstyles. In this blog post, we’ll break down the most common causes and symptoms of scalp inflammation so you can better understand what’s going on with your head (and hair, too!). Keep reading to learn more!

What is Scalp Inflammation, and What Are Its Common Causes?

Scalp inflammation is a common affliction characterized by redness, itching, and scalp flaking. Sadly, its causes are numerous and varied. From harsh chemicals in hairstyling products to underlying medical issues such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, many triggers can cause scalp inflammation. Brushing too harshly or wearing tight headgear can also be potential culprits.


What Are the Symptoms of Scalp Inflammation?

Scalp inflammation can have several different symptoms, some of which may not seem obvious. Common signs of inflammation include redness and irritation, itching, tenderness when touching the scalp, burning sensations or pain, inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis), and flaking of the skin on the scalp. Another culprit that can bring about scalp inflammation is ringworm (tinea capitis). Tinea capitis, a transferable infective, is more prevalent among children.

Essentially, it is a yeast infection that is contagious. In more severe cases of inflammation, a patient might experience significant hair loss, scabbing, or crusting in areas with inflammation. Though these symptoms can be uncomfortable and even painful, prompt diagnosis of people suffering from scalp inflammation and hair loss and consequent treatment can often help alleviate the inflammation involved and help protect healthy hair follicles from damage.

How Can You Treat Scalp Inflammation at Home With Natural Remedies?

Treating scalp inflammation with natural remedies is an excellent approach for improving your scalp health without harsh chemicals. A few DIY remedies include combining apple cider vinegar with warm water and applying it to the scalp to help reduce itching and inflammation. Additionally, jojoba oil helps soothe dry skin and can be massaged into the scalp or used as a deep conditioner.

Finally, you can make a honey mask out of natural honey and leave it on the scalp to help reduce redness and flakiness. These natural treatments are generally safe to use at home, but you must check with a doctor or other healthcare professional if your scalp condition persists despite self-treatment.


When Should You See a Doctor for Scalp Inflammation Treatment Options Beyond Home Remedies?

Scalp inflammation can cause a number of unpleasant, uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching, scaling, tenderness, and hair loss. If your scalp inflammation is severe or persistent beyond several days and you find little to no relief from over-the-counter treatments, it may be time to visit your doctor for a proper assessment.

Your doctor can provide treatment options that can not only help alleviate your symptoms and start healing the underlying cause of your scalp inflammation. With the help of a medical professional, you can take steps towards better health and well-being to reduce the severity and frequency of scalp inflammation in the future.

Scalp inflammation is a common condition estimated to affect around half of all people in their lifetime. Proper knowledge and understanding allow you to manage scalp inflammation without prescription medications. Knowing the common causes of this skin disorder as well as the symptoms and home remedies to alleviate it, can help anyone treat and manage their scalp inflammation.

Many cases are mild and do not require medical attention. But for persistent or severe symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for further evaluation and potential treatment options beyond natural remedies.

About Nina Smith