
Drug Addiction: Causes, Consequences And Treatment Methods

Drugs are one of the most serious problems in modern society. This global problem exists in almost all countries: people of any age, gender, and social status suffer from drugs. This “poison” takes the lives of millions of people every year. Even those who understand all the danger sometimes cannot get rid of addiction on their own and need help.

Today we can and we must fight drug addiction. Who will help us with this? Addictions, not only drug addictions but alcohol addictions, gambling, antidepressant addictions are studied in so-called addiction centers. They also develop and apply various methods of addiction treatment and rehabilitation. You can find out more about drug addiction treatment here on this link.

Unfortunately, the drug problem is progressing every year. To add, there is a growing number of teenagers and children who try drugs at a very early age. The United States ranks first in the number of drug deaths, followed by Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, Russia, and China.

This problem cannot be ignored. It is also extremely important to seek qualified help from narcologists and psychotherapists. No matter what stage of addiction a person is in, they can be helped and returned to a healthy, drug-free life.

Why do people turn into drug addicts?


The reasons are always individual, and it is impossible to say exactly why there are so many drug addicts in the world. On the other hand, you can identify the main factors that most often cause a person to use illegal substances.

Firstly, these are depressive conditions. A person starts taking drugs because he has depression and wants to get rid of it. Unfortunately, drugs do not help in this situation but lead to even more serious consequences. Other internal mental conflicts, both with oneself and with loved ones, can also lead to drugs and addiction.

Secondly, there is interest. Unfortunately, not only adults but also children are interested in drugs. They are the ones who most often try illegal substances out of interest. Then interest turns into an addiction. It is very dangerous.

A similar reason is a search for new sensations, adrenaline, and emotions. Many people think that they can avoid addiction, but statistics prove that this is not true.

Signs that the person has become addicted and needs help


Attention! The symptoms of drug addiction are individual, they depend on the personality, physiological and psychological characteristics, as well as the type of drug. If you notice signs of addiction, be sure to seek help.

  1. The addict’s behavior changes. He may become more aggressive or apathetic, extremely agitated, or drowsy.
  2. Changes in the body. There are many symptoms that a person has become addicted to drugs – these are dilated pupils, injection marks, thinness, unhealthy skin, and so on.
  3. Unfortunately, drugs are almost always accompanied by dangerous diseases, including AIDS, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and so on.
  4. Drugs sooner or later lead to social problems, job loss, financial difficulties. Many drug addicts become criminals.

If you notice these symptoms in a friend, colleague, or relative, seek professional help. Don’t ignore the problem.

There are several stages of drug addiction. At the first initial stage, a person tries drugs “for fun”, looks for new experiences, does not consider himself a drug addict.

In the second stage, which occurs very quickly, a person becomes physically mentally dependent on drugs. At this stage, a person can no longer live normally without a “dose”. At this stage, changes in social behavior, communication problems, theft of money, and other crimes can begin.

At the third stage, brain changes occur, the personality degrades, a person experiences a constant need for drugs.

Drug addiction treatment


Let’s say right away that you can get rid of drugs at any stage, but the earlier you start rehabilitation, the better.

In addiction centers that study various addictions and develop methods for getting rid of addictions, you can find help.

Usually, it all starts with a consultation with a psychotherapist and narcologist. The purpose of the sessions is to find the motivation to quit drugs. If a person does not want to get rid of the problem himself, it will be difficult to help him. Psychotherapy becomes an important factor in recovery.

At the initial stage of therapy, it is important to motivate a person, find arguments in favor of a healthy lifestyle and a complete rejection of drugs. Sometimes this takes time, requires several sessions with a narcologist and psychiatrist, who will determine the cause of the addiction and help a person understand why he needs to be treated.

Also, therapy usually involves detoxification. The timing and methods of detoxification depend on the type of drugs, the timing of use, the stage of addiction, and the individual characteristics of the organism. Modern methods of detoxification make this process as comfortable as possible, taking into account the state of the addicted person.

Then a course of therapy begins, which may involve medical treatment. At the same time, the main focus is on not making a person dependent on other drugs. Unfortunately, often getting rid of one addiction leads to another due to the use of powerful medicinal drugs. To control the patient’s condition, therapy is usually carried out in a stationary hospital.


Support during the rehabilitation period is also important. After a person leaves the center, he needs the support of family and friends, as well as his mentor and psychotherapist, who will help him adapt to a new life without drugs and help him not to return to addiction.

Modern rehabilitation and addiction centers are comfortable hospitals that offer comprehensive and individual therapy programs.

Do not be afraid or hesitate to seek help if you or your friends become addicted to drugs. Remember that drugs are pure evil and they must be fought against. Getting back to a healthy lifestyle can be difficult at times, but it is possible. The main thing is to find the strength to take the first step and seek qualified help.

About Nina Smith