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8 Ways to Strengthen Your Gum and Teeth

Good oral hygiene is required to keep your teeth and gums safe. It includes activities such as twice a day brushing and daily dental check-ups. However, oral hygiene is more than cavities and gum disease. Analysis has shown there is a correlation between the wellbeing of a person’s mouth and their general health. Experts perceive oral hygiene challenges to be a global health burden.

Without medication, tooth decay or gum problems may lead to self-confidence issues, discomfort, and tooth loss. These issues can lead to speech difficulties, malnutrition, and other obstacles in a person’s education, job, or personal life.

People may avoid these complications through adequate dental care, both at home and in the dental hospital. The following are some of the best methods that will improve your teeth and gum.

Get regular dental checkups

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Dental examinations usually involve professional cleaning of the mouth. Professional cleaning is the best way to extract tartar from your teeth. A professional cleaning may help to clear the plaque a person might have overlooked while brushing his teeth.

During regular visits, the dentist can help to identify early signs of gingivitis and gum disease and a condition where the gums become inflamed. Depending on the state of your oral health, the doctor may also recommend certain corrective procedures and give you an idea of the cost of dental implants.(See for more information). Detecting early can help deter more serious complications from happening.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is where high-quality edible oil is squeezed around the mouth for 20 minutes. This method helps keep the teeth clean and remove the built-in plaque. In addition, oil pulling extracts bacteria from the mouth and prevents it from clinging back to the teeth.

If the bacteria are left on the teeth, the acid they create corrodes the surface of the enamel and reveals the fragile dentin coating underneath. Keep your teeth healthy by performing a regular oil pulling routine.

Remove refined sugar from your diet

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Sugar is the primary food supply for bacteria that contains harmful acids in our teeth. It is an undoubted cause leading to numerous health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Avoiding hidden sugar from your diet will help decrease the intake of bacteria significantly. This, in essence, will shield the teeth from the toxic acid bacteria produce.

Drink plenty of water

When it comes to general oral wellbeing, plain old water is a friend of yours. Water washes out the food contaminants from the gums, skin, teeth, and tongue, along with the sugary traces of other foods. One of the easiest things you can do with your teeth is to swish a good amount of water wherever possible during the day.
If sugar is allowed to stay on the teeth without rinsing, it provides the perfect atmosphere for the bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease.

Floss daily

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With brushing alone, you don’t get healthy gums. You’ve to floss, as well, and you have to get the technique right.
If you’re using normal string floss, use a soft sawing motion to slip it between your teeth. The angle is significant, too. You want to have the “c” shape so the floss hugs the tooth. Ensure it goes a little below your gum line. Once you’re through, repeat the whole thing, and wrap the floss in the opposite direction.

Show vitamin and mineral supplements some love

Along with a healthy, balanced diet, try adding nutrients to your regular diet. Calcium is the most probable choice since it is the main ingredient of the teeth. For those who are not fans of taking big pills every day, chewable calcium supplements are available.

Some daily vitamins and minerals include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, magnesium, potassium, iodine, and vitamin E. Many of these essential nutrients may already be available in food, but multivitamin and mineral supplementation are never dangerous.

Spit, don’t rinse, after brushing

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When you wash your teeth, do you spit and then clean with water? It’s a normal thing, but it means you’re losing a significant benefit from toothpaste! Fluoride-containing toothpaste functions to shield the teeth from acid attacks by reinforcing the tooth structure. Fluoride inhibits the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the plaque that accumulates in the teeth.

If you rinse after you clean, you’re going to flush all the defensive fluoride down the drain instead of leaving it in your mouth. Instead of rinsing, you just need to spit out the extra toothpaste.

Never use your teeth for breaking or opening things

You may have cultivated the habit of using your teeth to open bottle caps, break a nut, and tear a packet of chips. If you have this habit, your teeth may be at risk of being dented or even broken. You don’t want to see yourself with half a tooth and spend a lot of time on dental treatments.

Final Words

Regular visits to the dentist are vital to safe gums because the dentist will detect issues early before they become severe. Employ the regular oral treatment of cleaning your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day to keep your gums safe. Some dentists may prescribe an antibacterial rinse or mouthwash to help promote safer gums and teeth. Meanwhile, if you wish to straighten your crooked teeth, we highly recommend for you to consult this amazing orthodontist in Northern Virginia for the best service you deserve!

Dental hygienists will show you how to use dental equipment and materials to keep your gums safe. Your dentist can contact you for extra cleaning and offer more advice on how to practice proper oral hygiene. Always remember health is wealth. In order to help keep your teeth and gums healthy, these are several easy steps you should take on a daily basis.

About Suzan Vega