
Here Are the Top 10 Ways To Care for Your Dry Skin

Dry skin can affect us in more ways than just one. It can become flaky, red, itchy, tight, and make it incredibly difficult to apply makeup without it looking “cakey”. Nevertheless, dry and flaky skin is a common problem faced by many, and fortunately, is not an end-all-be-all state of skin quality. There are plenty of options out there to help you smoothen and hydrate your skin one step at a time. The following methods may not work for everyone and will require some trial and error. Keep in mind that there is no single method or treatment that works for everyone because each individual’s skin is unique based on hormones, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

1. Find the right moisturizer

This may sound like an obvious step to hydrating your dry skin, but you would be surprised at how many moisturizers exist in the skincare market that does very little to actually moisturize your skin. The best way to choose a quality moisturizer that matches your skin type is to go to a store that specializes in skincare and cosmetics, with people who can provide you with testers and advice on what will meet your individual needs, or, better yet seek medical advice from a dermatologist or other medical expert who can prescribe you a custom moisturizer if necessary.

2. Avoid skincare products containing alcohol and fragrances


As much as we love to buy all the products that make us smell amazing, leave the fragrances to quality perfumes and colognes, not your moisturizers and skincare products. Your skin does not care about the grapefruit scented beads in your morning scrub, nor does it benefit from Victoria’s Secret’s bombshell scent in your lotion, as good as it may smell. In fact, most of the time, scented skincare products contain alcohol, which actually dries out your skin, rather than hydrating it. While it may seem bland to go for the non-scented facial moisturizer, your skin will thank you.

3. Take it easy with salicylic acids and tretinoin

Salicylic acid tretinoin is commonly used for skincare and can work wonders on your skin, that is, if they are used sparingly and properly. Your skin may be glowing after removing your full face of makeup with your salicylic acid cleanser at the end of the day, but if you are prone to dryer skin, try to switch it up here and there and use a more gentle cleanser. Salicylic acid can dry out the skin if used too frequently, which is why it should only be used sparingly, according to medical experts.

4. Exfoliate, but not too much

Everything in moderation. If you have dry and flaky skin, exfoliating can work wonders on removing that top layer of dead skin cells that make your makeup appear crusty and dried out. However, you need to make sure that you exfoliate properly by investing in a quality exfoliator and hydrating your skin immediately afterward. You should also never exfoliate your skin more than 2 – 3 times a week, to allow your skin to heal and for healthy new skin cells to develop. The last thing you want is to end up with raw, irritable skin that stings and itches with the application of any kind of product or makeup.

5. Physically hydrate your body from the inside out


Applying topical moisturizers and lotions is great, but a number one step to keeping your skin and the rest of your body hydrated is to physically drink water and hydrate from the inside out. Depending on your size, weight, and activity levels, you should be consuming 2 – 3 Liters of water each day. One way to identify whether you are properly hydrated is by the color of your urine. The lighter it is, the more hydrated your body is as more toxins have been processed by your kidneys, leaving you with lighter or sometimes colorless urine. If your urine is on the darker side with a heavier odor, it may be an indicator of dehydration or potential kidney issues, which should be addressed by a medical professional for deeper examination.

6. Nourish your body

Speaking of hydrating your body from the inside out, what you eat often reflects on the quality of your skin. A nutrient-dense diet high in vitamins and minerals, filled with fruits, veggies, dark leafy greens, and legumes, will be sure to give you that extra glow and hydration. Fruits and vegetables in particular are an easy way to add some extra hydration to your body since they are full of water, alongside nutrients that will help your body regulate itself, leaving your skin with a dewy, hydrated glow.

7. Nourish your skin and body with IV therapy

If consuming fruits, veggies, and nutrient-dense foods isn’t a step you’re ready to take on, no worries. Aside from taking oral supplements, there are other ways to fuel your body with essential nutrients directly to your bloodstream by using IV therapy vitamin infusion. IV therapy is offered at various clinics and spas, such as MiracleFace MedSpa, and can be administered using a variety of “IV cocktails” to meet your individual needs. It is known for its ability to instantly cure hangovers, which are often associated with dehydration and nausea. Aside from its many other benefits, IV therapy can help hydrate your skin as well.

8. Nourish your skin with vitamin-infused micro-needling


Microneedling vitamin infusion is similar to IV therapy, though the serum is not injected intravenously, intradermally via a handheld micro-needling tool with tiny hollow needles. Through several repeated punctures into the skins layers, custom serums and solutions can be directed into your skin for improved skin quality and of course, hydration.

9. Wear your sunscreen

UV rays and sun exposure are known for drying out the skin and causing premature aging. You should always wear sunscreen, whether you are going to the beach, or taking a walk on a rainy day. Experts advise applying a minimum SPF of 30 to your skin daily to keep your skin protected from sun damage and dehydration.

10. Go light with your makeup

Makeup can be a great way to bring out your natural beauty or cover blemishes and impurities in your skin. However, the heavy foundation can actually be quite unflattering if your skin is dry and accentuate the flakiness. In addition, makeup is notorious for drying out your skin. If you have dry skin, opt for an oil-based foundation, or prep your skin with a thick cream before applying any makeup. When you have days off, don’t wear any makeup if you don’t have to and your skin will thank you!

About Nina Smith