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Why You Need Professionals Who Can Handle Your WP Site

Have you just launched your online business website and are now trying to come to grips with the management part? The good news is that WordPress websites are easy to set up and you can handle the basics in just a few days. However, as your site starts to grow, professional assistance becomes more and more necessary.

After all, they’ve spent years learning the secrets of the trade and will surely handle your WP site much more efficiently than you ever could. Read the rest of the article to find out why going pro will be the best decision for your online business!

Having someone handle your WP site is a time-saver

Running a business is already taking up your time, do you really want to spend the remainder of your days figuring out website strategies? It might seem easy from the outside, but in reality, there’s so much more than meets the eye when it comes to getting your website up and running.

A much better strategy is to focus on your respective field and letting professionals take the website out of the mix. By letting the pros handle your WP site, you’ll not only save precious time but will also have assistance with running your business. In a way, by maintaining your website, the professionals will be doing a significant chunk of your job for you!

For instance, your designer can provide you with an online quoting system or enable online appointments which will eliminate the need to book appointments via phone calls. Now that’s a time-saver, right?

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Keeping the website updated at all times

If you’ve read the basics of WordPress, you probably know that it can update itself automatically, but this is not always the case. You see, some of the updates require manual handling and then need to be tested, which creates further complications. These issues are a bit too advanced for a beginner, don’t you think?

This means it will be extremely time-consuming trying to crack it alone. On the other hand, when you let professionals update your software, it will be over quickly as they’ve done it countless times before. Plus, they have monitors that receive alerts when updates are available, while you would have to check manually.

Other than updating a core server software, there’s a myriad of other things to think about. What kind of theme would be most suitable for your business? Do you need a plugin that achieves a specific function? Is your site properly optimized for mobile? In the e-commerce era, an online presence is crucial to the survival of your business, and it’s best not to gamble with it alone.

Not worrying about hackers

Have you ever wondered why WordPress puts out new releases? Why do you need to update your theme and plugins so often? The answer is security reasons. Hackers don’t tire when it comes to finding vulnerabilities in your platform, so running your updates is of essential importance.

Not only that, but you also need to backup your website as well as regularly scan it for malware. But aye, there’s the rub. How can you do that if you don’t use modern malware scan and removal tools? They are equipped with the newest anti-malware tools which will keep your site safe. Even if a threat manages to breach your site, they’ll solve it quickly and without too much damage.

And make no mistake that threats are always seeking vulnerabilities, so then it-won’t-happen-to-me way of thinking is not recommended. To put things into perspective, did you know that around 30.000 websites get infected daily? One more reason not to opt-out for the DIY route. Instead, hire the right team such as WP Full Care and you will never again have to worry about your site being endangered.

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Fast loading speed

It’s no secret that people’s attention spans are getting shorter, going from 12 to 8 seconds in less than two decades. Well, maybe when it comes to reading content because with the loading speed we’re even more impatient. A total of 25% of website visitors will leave a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load!

And as a bonus, Google has announced that faster loading sites will rank better. If you hire a professional to handle your WP site, he will access the speed of your website and constantly work on checking the loading speed. By using speed-checking tools and speed tests he will ensure that visitors stick to your website.

Optimizing the loading time of your site can sometimes be as simple as resizing images or switching to a well-coded theme. However, in many cases, it means JavaScript issues, not using catching techniques and bad server configuration. Be honest, how much do you actually know about all this?

Do not waste time trying to figure it out on your own while your online business suffers. Do your own job instead and let the developers do theirs! It’s is pretty simple to get rid of WordPress speed issues by hiring some professionals, but what about the overall cost? It will definitely increase the managing cost. On the other hand, you can choose a fast web hosting provider from this list shared by AlterWebHost.

Unique content and SEO

And while a fast website with a well-coded, beautifully designed theme may intrigue the users, it will not make them stay and come back in the long run. After all, they’ve come for information, and if you don’t provide it in a clear and concise manner, they’re gone. This is why unique and good content is absolutely necessary. Add to that the Search Engine Optimization part and your marketing strategy is a sure success!

However, SEO trends change fast trying to adapt to technological changes. Do you want to stay competitive? Then follow through! If you hire a professional, your website will stay on top of the game with the changing customer behavior. They will also boost your ranking by updating content and meta information and direct SEO to the most valuable pages. As a result, visitors will flock to your website, and you will reap the benefits of your online business.

You’ll hopefully take the easier route now that you’ve seen the benefits of having professionals handle your WP site. After all, you may at least give it a chance – allow your business to reach its full potential!

About Stefania Trtica